Parents with an adult child dealing with substance use disorder involving either drugs or alcohol find hope and support through Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL). It's not an easy journey, but you don't have to go it alone. We have a PAL group that meets at New Life each Tuesday from 6 to 7:30pm – no registration required, just ... Read More
Knot Sew Perfect is expanding and invites you to join them at their monthly meetings! Sewing skills are beneficial, but not necessary. A heart to serve our community and a willingness to learn are all you need. Experienced seamstresses will be teaching lessons on how to use a sewing machine. Projects for the community and our ministry partners will be ... Read More
FACE is a Christ-centered small group for those engaged in any aspect of foster care or adoption is here for all who need connection. We will meet to fellowship face to face and walk through the challenges that come while also celebrating the victories. Every THIRD Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:30pm. Childcare is provided for the monthly meetings, but ... Read More
Let's celebrate back to school with some family fun. Join us Friday, August 16th, from 6:30 to 8 in the worship center for family games, sweet treats, and friendly competition.
AZ 1.27 provides this 3-hour introduction to Trust-Based Relational Intervention or TBRI. TBRI is an attachment-based, trauma-informed approach designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. Participants will leave this training with a better understanding of why “kids from hard places” need a different approach to help them heal and thrive, and with strategies to help children with challenging ... Read More