Free walk-in math tutoring for junior high and high school students is offered every Monday. No appointment is necessary. Paul DesJarlais and Jim Brown will be leading this outreach. It is open to any student, not just New Life students. They will meet in room 11 from 5 to 6:30 p.m.
Looking for rest, refreshment, or some additional time of prayer and worship to the Lord? Then please join us for Worship Wednesdays, every Wednesday morning from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. in classroom 7. Bring your Bible and the prayers of your heart, and plan to get lost in the Spirit as we minister to Him.
Knot Sew Perfect is expanding and invites you to join them at their monthly meetings! Sewing skills are beneficial, but not necessary. A heart to serve our community and a willingness to learn are all you need. Experienced seamstresses will be teaching lessons on how to use a sewing machine. Projects for the community and our ministry partners will be ... Read More
Knot Sew Perfect invites you to join them at their monthly meetings! Sewing skills are beneficial but optional! They need designers, people to match blocks, and those who can tie knots or sew. A heart to serve our community ministry partners is all you need. Join in the fun and connection on the first and third Thursday of every month ... Read More
In GriefShare, you will learn how to navigate your grief journey while being supported and encouraged along the way. Our group is a place where adults who are grieving the death of a loved one can find healing and hope. We meet on Thursdays, beginning February 13, 2025, until May 8, 2025, from 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. The cost ... Read More