What is Next Steps?
Next Steps helps you learn more about New Life, how to connect with a small group, how you can begin serving on a ministry or outreach team, and how to belong to the family of God in partnership with New Life. Next Steps is hosted in person on Saturday mornings from 9:00am-12:00pm with snacks and beverages. If needed, childcare will be provided; however, you must register. Please register for our next session to take your Next Steps at New Life.

Pursuing Christ is a journey and we all have a story. In session 1, you'll hear from Pastors Greg and John, and their stories. Hear the Gospel story and how it makes an impact on your journey with Christ. Make a commitment to take a next step with God.

New Life’s history spans over 60 years. Hear the heart, structure & culture of New Life as a church. We believe that life is better together! Uncover the power found in small groups that greatly enriches our walk with Christ.

Discover specific ways you are uniquely shaped to make a difference all around you! The way you are equipped to serve God and others makes an impact. We want to be contributors, not consumers. Be a part of the Body of Christ through His church and find a sense of belonging. Determine why partnership is a vital part of our journey.